Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Garden Tuesday- Garden Update

So in my previous post today I am kinda in  the process of moving from my home in Lockhart to my boyfriends parents house in Buda. My thoughts and plans for a fall garden are no more. I will not be having a fall garden this year maybe next year but for sure not this year. There is just to much going on right now! 

As for my plans for a spring/summer garden in 2015 I have no clue at this point if I will be having a garden next year. If I do decide to have a garden I am unsure as to where it will be. I might still have it at my current location because this years garden took very limited work and effort so I will be able to make it work with going over there once a week.

My Current Garden!

Two weeks ago I said that my tomatoes were dying and that I was going to pull them up and if your follow my Instagram you will know that I did indeed pull up all my tomato plants.
Left is before, right is after. Comment below if you can find the chicken! :D
I still have my basil, jalapenos, banana peppers,  poblanos and tomatillos still going strong. My chocolate mint and strawberries are dead. I did have a chance to pick anything from my garden this past week and I probably wont be able to this week either.

I'm sorry that this post is all over the place. :) I might not be able to blog as often as I should be but I promise I have not forgotten about you guys. Right now the best places to stay up to date with me is through InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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