Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life Update!

Hi everyone. Sorry that is haven't posted much this week or last week I have been super busy. At first I didn't want to mention this to you guys but I decided that if I want this whole blogging thing right I should share this with you guys.

My boyfriend and I will be moving to his parents house in Buda after January first on maybe a month or two sooner. We will for sure be in by the beginning of February. My boyfriend has spent about a year commuting an hour to and from work and this way if will be half the time and half the money a month in gas. 

Another reason we have to make the move is because after trying to get a job in Lockhart for the past two years I am still unemployed. Living in the Buda/Kyle area I hopefully will be able to get a job there. That way I can bring in money so we can save up for a house of our own or maybe a cool Fiat or in case something unexpected happens (knock on wood lol) we have extra money.

About our area of the house!

His parents house is a two story 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom house with a upper living room area and a lower living room and a single kitchen and dining area. His sister had the upstairs all to herself. She has now moved into a bedroom downstairs.

Our furniture is from Rooms-To-Go.
My boyfriend, his sister and I have agreed to turn her old bedroom into a very small theater room (11 feet by 12 feet). The living room area will be our bedroom. There is also a little bar type area that we will use as a mini breakfast area with a mini fridge and microwave.
This is our T.V. that we got! Our T.V. is from Best Buy.
This is all so far. I might do a part two in a month or so.  Right now the best places to stay up to date with me is through InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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