Monday, June 30, 2014

Munchie Monday- Red Velvet Cupcakes

It's Munchie Monday again  folks. The last time I went to Walmart here in Lockhart I purchased this cupcake mix for I think $2.50, great deal for a dozen!

I followed the instruction on the box for the cupcake mix and the frosting. It was pretty simple to make.

My bowl of "Blood" lol!
The mix you add egg, water and oil. Mix it till its all wet. Pour it in each of the prepared cupcake holder about 1/2-2/3 way full. Pop them into the oven and wait.

Let them cool on a cooling rake. I made the frosting while they were in the oven. 

My hair tie as a rubber band lol.
I think I made it to early and that's why he icing looks bad lol. Icing that you make at home doesn't like me :(.This can with a pastry bag to put the icing in and you can make the icing go into the cupcake as well as on top.

The cupcakes are so moist and tasty and for about $2 for a dozen cupcakes you can't go wrong.

That's it for Munchie Monday this week. Come back tomarrow for Garden Tuesday. Tag/follow me on Instagram.

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