Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Garden Tuesday- Wind!

Killer wind!
Hi everyone! How are your gardens doing this year?

This past week or so has been super windy where I live. Earlier this year the wind was coming from the north and now from the south. I have staked up my poblano and jalapenos early this year to protect them from the wind from the north. Since the wind is now from the south its snapping the stakes or just pushing the plant over.

Another issue I still have is grasshoppers. These little guys are killing me. They eat my tomatoes, banana peppers, poblanos, basil, mint and even my jalapenos. I'm at a lost with what to do with them. I have chickens and I do let them in the garden to eat them but the grasshoppers won't go away! Any ideas or suggestions would be great folks.

Last week's post I told you guys that I got two different types of tomatoes out of my garden and I have finally tried them. The Pierce's Pride tomato taste so good! I love it. It's juicy and a little sweet. It make my mouth water it's so good! I will be planting this next year for sure.
Pierce's Pride

The Rouge D' Irak Tomato to me doesn't have much flavor and is full of seeds. If you have grown tomatoes at home you know that they have a different flavor then the store bought ones. These taste like store bought tomatoes they have very little flavor! I was not impressed with these. I will probably not plant these next year.
Rouge D' Irak

Garden tip of the week:

Purchase good soil! I use to just plant directly into the ground until this year I splurged and went to a place that sold soil and gravel by the truck load and it was the best purchase I every could make! I recommend going to your local plant nursery and ask what they use or finding a place that sells soil by the truck load and ask what their garden quality soil is. Buy soil like this if you can is the best thing you can do for your garden.

My tomato salad with a dash of salt
That's it for this weeks Garden Tuesday! Don't forget you can follow me on Instagram for more pictures. Take care everyone!

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