Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Garden Tuesday- Garden Haul + Chick update!

There is not much going on with my garden. I think that its about finished for the year. My tomatoes are turning brown and starting to die. Here's my garden haul for this week.

One red poblano pepper, a sprig of basil, two tomatillos a tomato and a handful of banana peppers!
This little guy came in on my poblano.

Found this spider in my garden. Took a picture then went to the opposite side of my garden LOL!

Baby chick update!!

I first introduced you guys to these chicks about three weeks ago here. Well now they are so big, just look for yourself!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of theses guy! They are super fast.

This guy here is getting red and white strip feathers on its chest along with the black and whites ones everywhere else.

This one started getting black legs a week or so ago! Look at those legs silly chicken! :) I have no clue if they are going to be hens or roosters.

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